A land marked by poverty, volcanoes, lakes, the infamous Daniel Ortega, and eighty-degree weather year-round will soon become a place I call home. This new home, NICARAGUA, is the second poorest country in the western hemisphere and compares in size to the state of Iowa. And, tucked just north of Costa Rica and south a Honduras, Nicaragua is the home of 5 million (about as many people living in Miami, Florida), with 80% of the population living on less than $2 a day.
As I try and absorb what this information really means and move to a country I once knew next to nothing about just last April when I accepted this position, I still have so many questions. There is so much unknown. I am convinced that I might have to completely re-learn to do things that seem so mundane in my life now. Tasks like laundry, cooking, working, riding the bus...and even more simpler things like speaking and reading are about to become incredibly complicated!!
But, after my many difficult goodbyes will be said in just a matter of days, and I take giant steps away from the home where I grew up and leave my familiar life behind, I can't help but be filled with great excitement for this land of many unknowns. The hope and genuine LOVE I have for this place already amazes me...and despite knowing that there will be hard times ahead, I can't help but be incredibly thankful for this opportunity. I can't help but wonder what lies ahead...
Best prayers and Faith be with you. God-Love walks with you. Pax Christi-
Mary Elizabeth Densmore!! I miss you so and am praying that maybe I might run into you on the streets of Managua on the 9th. I am so jealous that you get to be there for the Immaculate Conception... bet there will be a party!! I will be in Granada from the 9th to the 16th... O so close, yet still so far. My prayers are with you during this time!
mi amorcita, ya te extrano, pero tengo confienza que estas bien! estoy pensando en ti, y esperando q todo este bien. acordate, mi amiga, q te amo. BESITOS, boluda!
MARY!! Thank you for being the nice, kind, and loving Mary that I fell in love with!!! You are constantly in my prayers!!! With overflowing love,
Oh D,
I have been thinking about you and praying for you so much since you left. I find myself all day going "I wonder what my D is doing right now." My prayer for you the past week has been that, as you are stripped of all former comforts of 'home', you would find new comfort in your home in HIM. I love you and am trying to get a "Christmas Package" out to you by Christmas Day, but I'm not sure how long the mail will take to get there. So it might have to be a "Happy New Year's" package :) I love and miss you more than you know, and I am so proud of you and inspired by you.
-Your D
MARY!!!!!!!! AGHHH!!!! TE QUIERO tanto chica! no sabes. sos incredible. en serio. contanos todo. te extrano!!!! besitos
Mary, you are the very best our Lord has to offer the people of Nicaragua! Your love of God and love of neighbor sparkles in your eyes and in your smile. Though your surroundings are dramatically changed, your mission remains the same: to love and be loved in Christ's name. It's what you do! I know you will thrive and your community will love you as we do. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Mary. Peace and Love to you.
Hello Mary,
Your have chosen an unusal path, and I admire you so much. Your father speaks of you with a proud happy tone.
May all the Saints watch over you and hellp you find that
"Simple Life" you are seeking. Mrs. C and I will raise your name in prayer.
Bless you Mary
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